PALANGKA RAYA/TABENGAN.CO.ID – Forest Guardian Folk Festival in Kahayan Hilir, held by the Community Forest System Support Consortium (KPSHK) and the Village Forest Management Institute (LPHD) at the Luwansa Hotel, Tuesday (19/3).
The festival was held to promote forest products produced by social forestry business groups in the Kahayan Hilir Peat Ecosystem Area.
KPSHK Director, Muhammad Djauhari, said that this activity aims to introduce the results of the hard work of approval holders in maintaining and utilizing forest areas. In this activity, the community can explain how they manage and utilize forest areas in Kahayan Hilir.
“Consent holders play an important role in maintaining and utilizing forest areas. “However, they also face challenges in implementing forest area management programs, especially related to pressure caused by economic development and daily living needs,” said Djauhari when interviewed.
He further stated that approval holders also have challenges in implementing forest area management programs. These challenges are mainly related to the pressures caused by economic development and the needs of daily life.
In facing this challenge, they continue to strive to maintain forest area management rights and continue forest management activities in a sustainable manner.
Meanwhile, Djauhari said, the sustainable forest management regulations created sustainable forest management regulations to provide guarantees in managing the forest potential owned by the village.
“It is hoped that this regulation can become a way or program to empower village communities around forests,” he said
According to Djauhari, sustainable forest management regulations must include coverage of how forests are managed at the smallest unit level. Then sustainable forest management models, development of social forestry plans, and so on.
“The threat of forest fires and illegal logging is also an important part of the rules for sustainable forest management. “Because when village communities get a social forestry permit they must have a plan to protect the forest,” he explained
“It is hoped that through the Kahayan Hilir Forest Guardian Folk Festival, this initiative can disseminate information and solutions in overcoming the problem of deforestation and open up new opportunities for local communities in managing forests,” he said.
Meanwhile, Catur Endah Prasetiani, Director of Social Forestry Business Development at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, said that through social forestry programs, people can take advantage of their rights as citizens to utilize natural resources in the forest.
“The community has the right to utilize forest areas to develop the village economy so that the growth and development of the village economy can be boosted,” said Catur Endah Prasetiani
There are three types of businesses that can be developed through social forestry programs, namely timber forest products, non-timber forest products such as kelulut honey, rattan and fish, as well as environmental services in the form of urban forest tourism. Through the use of this type of business, the village economy can grow and develop.
Apart from providing significant economic benefits to society, social forestry programs also have benefits for the environment. This program encourages people to have awareness and responsibility for preserving forests and the surrounding environment.
“With this awareness, people can use natural resources wisely without damaging the environment,” he said.
He added, in order to increase the utilization of social forestry programs, cooperation from various parties is needed. The government, community and various other stakeholders must work together to achieve common goals, namely the good and progress of the village economy as well as preserving forests and the environment.
“With pentahelix cooperation and mutual concern, social forestry programs can run effectively and provide maximum benefits for all parties,” he concluded.jef
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