Integrated Management

Peat Forest Ecosystem

The location of the activity is in Kahayan Hilir District, Pulang Pisau Regency, Central Kalimantan Province.


Social Forestry

Ensuring economic, ecological and social benefits to society.

Social Forestry

Supporting Community Welfare

With sustainable forest management


Community forest management practices have been passed down through generations


K.P.SHK Director

The community controls, manages and utilizes forest (natural) resources to fulfill their needs for a long time and has been passed down from generation to generation until now. In Indonesia, mastery of forest resources (SDH) is evidenced by the existence of various concepts and practices of managing forest resources by the community such as: repong (West Lampung), huma or talun (Java), leuweung (West Java), pangale (Central Sulawesi), simpukqn (East Kalimantan), tembawang (West Kalimantan), plot danum (Central Kalimantan), empus (Aceh), and so on according to local culture. K.P.SHK (Consortium for Supporting Community Forest Systems) mentions that the various concepts and practices of managing SDH are referred to by the general term “Community Forest System or SHK” (Rahmina, 2012; Djauhari et al, 2021).

Natural Resources or Forest Resources in its management K.P.SHK (1997) has principles known as the 9 Principles of SHK (Community Forest System) including that the main managing actors are the people (local/customary communities) collectively; Management institutions are established, implemented and controlled directly by the people where natural resources and forests are located; The scale of production of forest resources is only limited by the principles of sustainability and sustainability; and biodiversity is the basis for cultivation patterns and resource utilization, economic systems and so on (

This is in accordance with Social Forestry (PS) which aims to increase the proportion of community management rights to forests up to 10% or the equivalent of 12.7 million ha. (Social Forestry for People’s Welfare, Bambang Supriyanto, Director General of Social Forestry and Environmental Partnerships, 2020).

PS including Village Forest (HD) is a legal program that enables village communities to participate in managing forests and obtaining economic benefits. Processing and taking benefits from forests in environmentally friendly ways through increasing agroforestry and post-harvest productivity as well as increasing added value through village-based industries (Regulation of the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia Number 7 of 2020 concerning the Second Amendment to Regulations Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration Number 11 of 2019 concerning Priority for Use of Village Funds for 2020: Utilization of Village Funds for Social Forestry).


Konsorsium Pendukung Sistem Hutan Kerakyatan


Konsorsium Pendukung Sistem Hutan Kerakyatan

K.P.SHK since its establishment in 1997 is an organization concerned with issues of natural resources, especially forests in Indonesia. K.P.SHK is positioned as a movement motor that systematically supports forest management methods that have been developed for generations by indigenous peoples and local communities in and around the forest.


Sovereignty of the people in the management of natural resources, especially the forest.


Sovereignty of the people in the management of natural resources, especially the forest.


  • Revitalizing customary law and managing institutions so that they have resilience that can respond well to any offers of change.
  • Provide technical and methodological support in the context of developing management models.
  • Empowerment of the populist economy of SHK actor groups based on the sources of wealth they have.
  • Fight for people's sovereignty by recognizing, respecting and protecting people's rights through relevant policy reforms and public support, as well as overseeing the implementation of policies that already guarantee people's sovereignty.
  • Development of networks between SHK actors and supporters through exchanging experiences, documentation and communication media.


K.P.SHK's Field of Work






4 Outputs of Peat Forest Ecosystem Integrated Management Program

Institutional Capacity Strengthening of LPHD and KUPS

Strengthening Sustainable Community-Based Forest Management

Strengthening Sustainable Peat Management

Strengthening the Management of Social Forestry Business Groups (KUPS)

Hutan Adat
Dayak Pitap

HD Hinaskanan

HD Hilir (Kalawa,
Mantaren, Buntoi
and Gohong

HKm Beganak

HD (proses pengajuan)
Desa Medan Mas,
Desa Nipah Panjang,
Desa Tanjung Harapan

Hutan Adat Desa
Tembaga dan

Hutan Adat Desa
Mensiau "Kelompok

Hutan Rawa
Gambut Muara Siran

Madu Hutan

Rotan Hutan

HKm Konawe


Hutan Pesisir

Kemitraan KPH
Bima dengan
masyarakat adat

Hkm di

LMDH Rengganis,
Dataran tinggi
lereng selatan
Hyang Argopuro

Pengelola TN
Meru Betiri

Pengelola TN
Meru Betiri

Hutan Adat Nenek Limo
Hilang Tinggi Nenek Empat
Betung Kuning (4 Desa),
Kabupaten Kerinci Jambi

Hutan Adat Lempur,
Kabupaten Kerinci Jambi

Hutan Adat Tigo Luhah
Permenti yang
Berenam, Kabupaten
Kerinci Jambi dan
Tigo Luhah Kemantan,
Kabupaten Kerinci

HKm Tebat Monok
dan HKm Kelilik

Hutan Adat
Bukit Parambo

Hutan Mukim


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