Map 4 of the Kahayan Hilir Village Forest


Activities Videos


E-Book and Study Series

Image Interpretation Training and Object Area Calculation

  • Book Title: Training on Image Interpretation and Calculation of Object Area
  • Author: Yusuf Aguswan, Afredo Liano
  • ISBN (In the process of applying for ISBN)
  • Sinopsis : This book is companion material, especially for PTEHG members, which aims to introduce Remote Sensing Images as basic material updating spatial data, people are able to identify objects in Remote Sensing Images High Resolution, and calculates the area of the object using the method simple

Social Forestry Economic Enterprises for Livelihood Sustainability

  • Book Title : Social Forestry Economic Enterprises for Livelihood Sustainability
  • Writers : Yudha Kurniawan, Rokhmond Oanasis, Alma Tiara
  • ISBN (In the process of appliying for ISBN)
  • Synopsis : The author explores the potential of nature and the independece of human resources in utilizing natural resources to build awareness of the economic importance of forestry, implementing independent practicies, contributing to environmental preservation, incresasing social and economic welfare which will be felt in a sustainable manner so that it can be passed down from generation to generation, especially in four villages. Khayan Hilir District, Pulang Pisau Regency, Kalimantan Province Middle. 

Nursery for Endemic Plants on Peatlands

  • Book Title : Nursery for Endemic Plants on Peatlands
  • Writers : Dadan Mulyana, Kania Gita Lestari
  • ISBN (In the process of appliying for ISBN)
  • SynopsisThis book contains knowledge about peatlands and their endemic plant diversity. Knowledge in building a nursery includes nurseries, appropriate location schemes for building nurseries, layout plans for nursery building infrastructure. As well as knowledge of seed media, seed care treatments, and determining good seed quality.

Participatory Assessment of Social, Economic and Ecological Benefits in Peat Social Forestry Areas

  • Book Title : Participatory Assessment of Social, Economic and Ecological Benefits in Peat Social Forestry Areas
  • Writers : Febriana Mawarti Andarini, Alma Tiara, Muhammad Ridwan
  • ISBN (In the process of appliying for ISBN)
  • Synopsis : Participatory assessment is an effort to collect data in the form of general information on the condition of peat social forestry areas by conducting surveys and observations. Identifying stakeholders, regional land conditions, natural resources, regional boundaries as a goal of validating data that will have an impact on the success of the program including social, economic and ecological benefits in peat social forestry areas.

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