
Wiradesa Kahayan Hilir is one of the efforts to develop human resources around the village forest

KABARKALIMANTAN1, Palangka Raya – Wiradesa is an effort to develop human resources (HR) around village forests. For this reason, the Consortium for Supporting Community Forest Systems (KPSHK) is holding basic management training for Social Forestry Business Groups (KUPS) which is packaged in wiradesa activities.

“We involve LPHD because they are an important part of protecting the village forest, we involve KUPS because they are involved in businesses around the village forest,” said KPSHK Social Forestry Business Group (KUPS) Manager, Rokhmond Onasis, Tuesday (9 /1/2024).

According to him, Wiradesa Kahayan Hilir is very important to optimize organization, financial management, human resources, even production and organizational programs that need to be considered in managing KUPS.

Apart from that, opening opportunities for collaboration with other parties and sectors is very important to support the development of KUPS.

58 people from 4 Village Forest Management Institutions (LPHD) in Kahayan Hilir District, namely Gohong, Kalawa, Buntoi and Manteren 1, also participated in the activity.

KPSHK project manager for the integrated peat forest ecosystem program in Kahayan Hilir District. Afrinal Saal Lubis said that the KPSHK program is a long-term program focused on peat restoration and institutional governance.

These institutions are LPHD, KUPS, peat forest area management and economic governance.

The participants were given training to increase institutional capacity, management capacity of peat forest areas and increase economic efforts.

“They were trained or we graduated today to become KUPS guides. So they will learn how to design and innovate for the progress of KUPS. “Wiradesa Kahayan Hilir is the first graduating class in Indonesia,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of Gohong LPHD, Yanto L Adam, admitted that he was happy to take part in this activity so that he could understand the management of social forestry institutions properly and correctly.

According to him, his party always makes various creative efforts to develop added value to forest wealth for the development of environmentally friendly technology in the form of non-timber forest products.

Apart from that, we will also continue to develop social forestry institutions through LPHD, social forestry business groups at local, district, provincial, national and international levels. (tva)


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