KBRN, Palangka Raya: A total of 58 participants from 4 villages in Kahayan Hilir District, Pulang Pisau Regency took part in Basic Management Training for Social Forestry Business Groups. The activity took place for two days, Monday-Tuesday (8-9/1/2024), in Palangka Raya.

Participants consisted of administrators and members of the Social Forestry Business Group (KUPS) and Village Forest Management Institution (LPHD) from four villages/sub-districts, namely Buntoi Village, Gohong Village, Mantaren I Village and Kalawa Village. One of the participants, namely the Chair of the Gohong Village Rattan Weaving KUPS, Marlini, said that the rattan weaving business had been carried out for generations. However, with the assistance and training provided by the Community Forest System Support Consortium (KPSHK), he and his friends are increasingly motivated to progress further.

“Through this Wiradesa training we are motivated and equipped with knowledge in managing our KUPS. We, the rattan woven KUPS in Gohong Village, have been around for a long time, passed down from our ancestors and over time and an LPHD entered Gohong Village, this social forestry business group (KUPS) was formed and until now it continues to run well. “We hope it will continue,” he said, Tuesday (9/1/2024).

Marlini added that the marketing of rattan woven products from Gohong Village has reached outside the region, namely to cities, provinces and even abroad. This extensive marketing then became the motivation for the Gohong Village Rattan Weaving KUPS to no longer see rattan weaving as a side business, but a craft that could become a source of the family’s economy.

KPSHK Project Manager for the Integrated Peat Forest Ecosystem Program, Aftrinal S. Lubis, said that the Social Forestry Business Group (KUPS) is a community economic business group that carries out community-based businesses around the forest. This group was formed with people who care about forests.

“Our long-term program focuses on peat restoration, as well as institutional governance (LPHD and KUPS), peat forest area governance and economic governance, which is why we invited the social forestry business group (KUPS) here.” So each LPHD has a KUPS, there are KUPS for Honey, Rubber, Ecotourism, Agro Forestry, up to KUPS for Rattan. “They attended training here for two days and we graduated as Wiradesa Kahayan Hilir, the first batch in Indonesia,” he said.

KPSHK Project Manager for the Integrated Peat Forest Ecosystem Program, Aftrinal S. Lubis, said that the Social Forestry Business Group (KUPS) is a community economic business group that carries out community-based businesses around the forest. This group was formed with people who care about forests.

Through KUPS Basic Management training, participants experience increased capacity by exploring their own strengths in accordance with KUPS goals, capturing personal and organizational dreams that they want to realize. Participants who have become Wiradesa or village Pandu are also expected to be able to detail the key steps for managing a sustainable and advanced social forestry business. (st)

Sumber: RRI Palangka Raya


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