Rubber is one of the commodities produced by rubber farmers. KUPS is an abbreviation for the Social Forestry Business Group or the Peat Swamp Economic Business Group which operates in the field of social forestry which aims to improve community welfare through sustainable management of forest resources.
Rubber is the main commodity and source of income for rubber farming communities. The Integrated Peat Forest Ecosystem Management Program (PTEHG) in Kahayan Hilir District in support of strengthening the peat swamp economic business group facilitated the preparation of a Rubber KUPS business plan which was implemented in 4 program locations on 5-6 December 2023, facilitated by Wahyudi (Expert) from PT Kahayan Glow.
“Rubber is a commodity that is the main livelihood in the 4 program locations, so this shows that the potential for the rubber business in the program locations is very large. “Developing a rubber business requires careful planning, one of which is preparing a business plan,” said Onasis as KUPS Manager KPSHK (06/12)
A business plan is a document that explains business activities and how the business will achieve its stated goals. [1]
“A business plan is a written document that explains comprehensively about a business, starting from vision and mission, strategy, to financial plans,” said Wahyudi
Wahyudi explained and facilitated the preparation of a rubber business plan starting with creating a business profile, business description, market assessment, marketing plan, company organization, group vision and mission, and fixed assets.
Wahyudi added that PT Kahayan Berseri in Garung Village has been running for 5 years, the products produced are SIR (Standard Indonesia Rubber) 10 and SIR (Standard Indonesia Rubber) 20. Bokar (Processed Rubber Material) SIR is a rubber raw material that comes from garden latex. from rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis), bokar SIR traded to the domestic Crumb Rubber industry must meet the technical requirements of bokar SIR. The technical requirements for SIR bokar are that it does not contain rubber vulcanizate contaminants, heavy contaminants and light contaminants of more than 5% and coagulates naturally or using recommended coagulating agents.
“The Bokar production flow starts with rubber tapping, freezing rubber latex, rubber latex in lump form, drying in the Bokar warehouse, and selling rubber,” said Wahyudi
Wahyudi said that the problems faced in the rubber business were prices, leaf fall, unpredictable weather and changes in area functions. According to Wahyudi, the appropriate and proposed solutions are determining the quality of rubber prices, garden maintenance, using freezers.
“Good rubber is rubber that is ground using ant vinegar and soaked in terms of weight reduced by 20 – 30%. When the quality of the rubber increases, what we see is not wet or dry but DRC (Dry Rubber Content),” said Wahyudi.
According to Sukadi, as a participant in preparing the business plan, he said that by preparing this business plan, we could think and prepare asset based thinking (ABT), fill in the business plan template and cash flow template and break even point (BEP) accompanied by experts to help improve welfare. public.
When preparing a business plan for rubber KUPS, it is necessary to pay attention to factors such as market research, business plan, budget, technical assistance, testing and evaluation, and business sustainability.
Report on activities for preparing the KUPS Karet business plan
[1] Alma Tiara
Editor: Aftrinal
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