KPSHK facilitated the preparation of Social Forestry Work Plans (RKPS) and Annual Work Plans (RKT) for four Village Forest Management Institutions (LPHD) and two Community Plantation Forest (HTR) groups which were implemented in Pulang Pisau, from Thursday to Friday (16-17/ 5).
Based on Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 09 of 2021 concerning Social Forestry Management in Social Forestry planning (PS) it has changed to Social Forestry Work Plan (RKPS). RKPS is a plan that contains institutional strengthening plans, Forest Utilization plans, business work plans, and monitoring and evaluation plans. RKPS is a guideline and guidance in PS management.
KPSHK Field Project Manager (FPM), Edy Subahani or who is familiarly called Oeban, said that this activity was to adjust the PS work plan to existing regulations, so there needed to be a change from RPHD to RKPS.
“The planned changes that will be carried out are the RKPS documents for LPHD Buntoi, LPHD Mantaren1, LPHD Kalawa, LPHD Gohong and RKPS for the HTR Buntoi and HTR Kalawa groups,” he said
This activity, continued Oeban, was also attended by 4 LPHD and 2 HTR. The activity was also attended by KUPS, Mantir Adat, Forest Patrol Team, Forest and Forestry Patrol Team, Central Kalimantan Provincial Forestry Service, KPH Kahayan Hilir, and POKJA PPS Central Kalimantan. The total number of participants who took part was 114 people.
Oeban said that the Integrated Management of Peat Forest Ecosystems (PTEHG) program has four important parts, namely community-based institutional development, conservation and restoration of forest areas, increasing economic income, and protecting the area through patrols.
Representative of KPH Kahayan Hilir, Anton, said that this activity is a concrete action in an effort to provide legal access for the community to participate in managing forests, and can empower communities around the forest with a sustainable management system to preserve flora and fauna, reducing conflicts with the community and government.
Apart from that, Hasan Bahtiar as a representative of the Forestry Service delivered a speech that Social Forestry (PS) is the basis for us to prepare plans and this is not the first, for LPHD it has been running for almost 11 years and there really needs to be changes, especially with the new regulations in Ministerial Decree No. 09 of 2021 concerning Social Forestry Management.
“The Social Forestry Management Plan (RKPS) is prepared 10 years at a time, while the RKT is annually,” said Hasan.
According to him, in preparing the RKT there must be 3 aspects, namely institutional management, area management and business management. The RKT is evaluated every year based on the RKPS.
This activity was also facilitated by the Central Kalimantan POKJA PPS, Dadang said that before the rkps or rkt we must divide the Social Forestry Zoning Space, for example there is space for protection and utilization space. Area utilization, NTFP utilization, NTFP utilization and Jasling utilization.
“It is very important to regulate in the AD/ART to regulate the distribution of results, acceptance of members and dismissal of members,” he explained.
Dadang explained again that the RKT could be synchronized with the RPJMDes so that they could contribute or collaborate in activities. LPHD can apply for training – training that is needed by LPHD and other communities for the products to be developed and commercialized.
“When you have finished preparing the RKPS, continue making the RKT for 2024 – 2025, in filling in the RKT there will be an excel table template to detail all activities for 10 years, first year activities such as meetings, mapping, institutional activities,” he added.
In the closing session, Oeban emphasized that KPSHK in the PTEHG program facilitates PS in both the Village Forest (HD), Community Forest (HKM) and Community Plantation Forest (HTR) schemes.
Author: Alma Tiara
Editor: Aftrinal
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