Kahayan Hilir Elite Troops Handle Forest and Forestry Disasters

In responding to forest and land fires that occurred in Pulang Pisau Regency, Kahayan Hilir District. One of them is in Mantaren I Village and Buntoi Village. These two locations are KPSHK assisted villages in the Integrated Management of Peat Forest Ecosystems program. KPSHK makes optimal efforts through the forest and land fires patrol team (TPK) and forest patrol team (TPH) in handling forest and land fires in the program area and Pulang Pisau Regency.

Since July 2023, KPSHK has held meetings and consolidation of the Forest and Forestry Patrol Team with the Village Fire Care Community (MPA) and KPHP Kahayan Hilir. Apart from that, a joint action plan workshop on forest and land fire mitigation resulted in an event report and a joint action plan for forest and land fire mitigation. Then continued the workshop on preparing the Karhutla contingency plan for Kahayan Hilir District involving BPBD Pulang Pisau, KPHP Kahayan Hilir, Polri, DLH, and other parties.

The fire started in the Sebangau area last August so patrol teams and joint teams from the parties are always ready to extinguish the fire so that forest and land fires do not spread. According to KPSHK GIS data using Satellite IMAGE, the fire has entered the project area and devoured around 65 Ha of peat land in the Mantaren Village Forest (Data 26/09). The Forest and Forestry Patrol Team (TPK) is working hard to extinguish and search for water sources. The patrol team was even assisted by a water bombing helicopter to sprinkle water in the Buntoi, Mantaren, Kalawa areas.

“The fire was massive in Kahayan Hilir District, Pulang Pisau Regency. For this reason, TPK is always ready and never careless. “Since the fire started in Sebangau, our TPK team has always monitored and patrolled regularly to be alert so that we can prevent forest and land fires,” said Candra, as Chair of the Kalawa TPK (13/10/2023).

The efforts that have been made by the Forest and Forestry Patrol Team (TPK) in dealing with forest and land fires to date are as follows:

  • Coordination with the parties
    The 4 village Karhutla Patrol Team (TPK) routinely1 coordinates and holds meetings with the parties. On September 7, we also carried out the preparation of the 2023 Forest and Land Fire Contingency Plan Document in Kahayan Hilir which involved parties such as BPBD, BPSKL, DLH, TNI, KPHP Kahayan Hilir, etc. which produced a forest and land fire contingency plan document in Kahayan Hilir. Not only that, TPK with the Pulang Pisau Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) by carrying out ANEV every week (since August 2023) together with other parties such as the National Police, TNI, Manggala Agni, DLH, Health Office, etc. ANEV activities carry out preparations for handling forest and land fires, evaluating the response to forest fires that have occurred and coordinating related to forest and land fire conditions.
  • Analysis of fire-prone points
    Forest or peatland fires can occur due to hotspots which then spread to become large fires. Hot spots are areas filled with flammable materials such as dry grass, wood and others. To see the condition of hotspots or fire hazards in an area, KPSHK and TPK use NASA FIRMS (Fire Information for Resource Management System). With accurate analysis, the chance of land burning can be prevented and handled further by the patrol team.
  • Detect forest and land fires as early as possible
    Even though preventive measures have been taken through analysis of fire-prone spots and strict patrols or monitoring, forests still have the potential to catch fire. For this reason, KPSHK established fire monitoring towers in each project area that have long visibility, complete with binoculars, detection and communication equipment. Apart from that, TPK was also assisted by the KPSHK GIS team to analyze data from flights, satellites and weather data in the project area.
  • Prepare fire extinguishing equipment
    All equipment that functions to handle forest fires must be met and always ready. This is intended to speed up the extinguishing and evacuation process if a forest or land fire occurs. Fast and appropriate handling will help reduce losses that are too large. To optimize extinguishing, TPK is also provided with extinguishing tools and equipment such as PPE, masks, hoses, portable back pumps, etc. Even BPBD Pulang Pisau was also willing to help TPK by lending fire extinguishers.
  • Monitoring and supervision
    Monitoring and supervision carried out by the TPK is also assisted by the Forest Patrol Team (TPH). Forest patrols are very important to maintain forest security, especially from possible forest fires and illegal logging. The widespread forest fires require forest patrols and monitoring to be carried out more routinely and more strictly. Especially if the long dry season arrives, forest patrols and monitoring must be carried out more frequently. Apart from that, TPK monitoring is also carried out to look for the nearest water source if forest and land fires occur at that location.
  • Actions when and after forest and land fires occur
    Since the fire occurred in Pulang Pisau, TPK 4 villages have been monitoring the project area with routine patrols. When a fire broke out in Gohong Village (21/08), the TPK immediately chased the fire and struggled to extinguish the fire which was consuming land in Gohong Village. It didn’t stop there, extinguishing continued and even continued with wetting the burnt area to prevent the fire from reappearing. After the wetting is done, the TPK then digs the ground and pours water into the ground at the fire location and re-wetting it repeatedly.

That is the action of TPK 4 LPHD in dealing with forest and land fires that occurred in Pulang Pisau. . However, it is important to note that handling forest and land fires cannot be separated from support and cooperation between parties. Therefore, it should be noted that cooperation between the government, society and other parties is very necessary to reduce the impact of forest and land fires and protect the environment and society.

Source: Interview with the Head of the Karhutla Patrol Team, Report from the Karhutla Patrol Team

Author: Alma Tiara

Editor: Yudha Kurniawan

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