
Peat Ecosystem Integrated Management

The Community Forest System Support Consortium (KPSHK) held program outreach activities involving stakeholders from various related elements/stakeholders, including the Kalimantan Region Social Forestry and Environmental Partnership Agency (BPSKL), Central Kalimantan BKSDA, Kalimantan Province Environment Service (DLH) Tengah, Central Kalimantan Provincial Forestry Service, Pulang Pisau Village Community Empowerment Service (DPMD), UPT KPHP Kahayan Hilir Unit XXXI, Central Kalimantan Social Forestry Acceleration Working Group (POKJA PPS), Pulang Pisau Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Environment Service (DLH) Pulang Pisau Regency, Extension Officer/Assistant to the Forestry Service of Central Kalimantan Province, Extension Officer at UPT KPHP Kahayan Hilir unit XXXI in Pulang Pisau, Center for Science and Technology Development and Peat Innovation (PPIIG) University of Palangka Raya, Peatland Laboratory at University of Palangka Raya, Local Government, Camat, Village Head, Village Forest Management Institution (LPHD), and Jarin gan Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Palangka Raya (29/06/2022).

Activities in the framework of socializing the project “Integrated Management of Peat Forest Ecosystems in Kahayan Hilir” (Integrated Management of Peat Forest Ecosystems in Kahayan Hilir) The project is designed for a duration of 25 years in collaboration with 4 Village Forest Management Institutions in peat areas in Pulang Pisau Regency, which have previously been experiencing significant degradation of forests and peatlands due to fires. The four HDs include the Gohong Village Forest, the Kalawa Village Forest, the Mentaren-I Village Forest and the Buntoi Village Forest.

The Peat Forest Ecosystem Integrated Management Program in Kahayan Hilir, is divided into four categories, namely rehabilitation, forest protection, peat-swamp ecosystem restoration, and peat-swamp protection. The project’s target initiatives are restoration of peat swamp forests, implementation of planned mitigation measures to prevent forest fires, capacity building of forestry personnel, establishment of an integrated plan for forest management units that will work in accordance with regional and national level regulations and strengthen social forestry.

KPSHK as the project implementing agency is responsible for the implementation and management of activities which include four main activities, namely increasing peat forest cover by adding vegetation or plants that can be used as non-timber forest products by the village forest management community under the coordination of the local LPHD, as well as the regeneration process nature through village forest protection. Increasing the function of the peat forest ecosystem as a protected area, as well as reducing the incidence of forest and peatland fires. Support the empowerment of rural communities. Protect and maintain biodiversity in village forest areas through forest protection activities.

The socialization activity was attended and opened by the Head of BPSKL for the Kalimantan region. Head of BPSKL for Kalimantan Region, Ir. Nurhasnih, MM. In her remarks, Nurhasnih said that Social Forestry is a national priority program aimed at improving people’s welfare and forest conservation.

“The importance of legality for the people living around the forest who will manage social forestry so that people’s welfare and forest preservation are achieved by developing community businesses in the forest area” explained Kabalai.

Nurhasnih explained the development of the Social Forestry program in the Kalimantan region, especially in Central Kalimantan Province, about the challenges and obstacles, as well as the opportunities and potential for cooperation between non-governmental organizations and companies and social forestry business groups (KUPS).

Texon S.Sos., Executive Head of the Pulang Pisau Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), underlined the importance of forest and land fire disaster prevention (KARHUTLA) because the costs will not be large compared to the recovery from the fire disaster. Prevention efforts are carried out through cooperation and sharing of resources between parties, because it is a shared responsibility. As well as measuring resources and dividing the roles of the parties is an important part of prioritizing fire disaster prevention.

Meanwhile, a representative from the Central Kalimantan Provincial Forestry Service, Ari Wibowo, S.Hut, M.Si, explained plans for social forestry activities in order to meet the Social Forestry targets in Central Kalimantan Province as stated in the Central Kalimantan Provincial Forestry Service Strategic Plan (2022 area target = 40,000 Ha), to meet this target, the Forestry Service carries out socialization and facilitation activities related to the social forestry scheme, both to the Regional Government and the community at the site level. Carry out outreach activities and business development training to develop the entrepreneurial spirit of the community. Distributing productive economic tools to KUPS. Facilitating the creation of Raperda Indigenous Forests in Central Kalimantan. Optimizing the roles and functions of FMUs and forestry extension workers, as well as optimizing the roles of the Working Group for the Acceleration of Social Forestry (POKJA-PPS) of Central Kalimantan Province.

The socialization activity was officially closed by representatives of the Central Kalimantan Provincial Forestry Service, Ari Wibowo, S.Hut, M.Sc, by thanking and appreciating all parties, and expressing hope that the project implemented by KPSHK could provide great benefits for the community , Local Government of Pulang Pisau Regency, and Provincial Government of Central Kalimantan.

Palangka Raya, June 29, 2022

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